On this infamous day each year, usually the 15th, every United States citizen and resident, who has taxable income, is required to file their individual income tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (our version of the Gestapo), pay any taxes that still may be due, or, at the very least, request an extension of time to file it.

Unbeknownst to the average person, including most attorneys and accountants, when we file our tax returns and disclose the preponderance of information required, which keeps growing each, and every year, we are waiving our right to be secure in our papers and effects (4th Amendment) and our right not to be compelled to be a witness against ourselves (5th Amendment).   And, to add insult-to-injury, we sign the return under penalties of perjury.

Real criminals (e.g., those that commit robbery and murder) are usually subject to less harsh punishment than taxpayers who use aggressive tax-shelters to protect their property.   Real criminals receive a Miranda warning explaining their rights.   We (taxpayers) are not explained our rights and are purposely lied to.

The U.S. individual income tax, as administered today, is unconstitutional.  Read, The U.S. Individual Income Tax is Incompatible with a Free Society; it is available at jeffersoniangroup, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  Please encourage family members, friends, neighbors, and associates to read and distribute copies of this book.  As Supreme Court Justice Bradley stated, when declaring a tax law unconstitutional:

“. . . any compulsory discovery by extorting the party’s oath, or compelling the production of his private books and papers, to convict him of crime, or to forfeit his property, is contrary to the principles of a free government.  It is abhorrent to the instincts of an Englishman; it is abhorrent to the instincts of an American.  It may suit the purposes of despotic power; but it cannot abide the pure atmosphere of political liberty and personal freedom.”

Tax Reform does not work, will not get rid of the gestapo tactics used by the IRS, and, will only last until the next political party takes control of the country.  We need a Tax Revolution—we must repeal the 16th Amendment to take the ability away from Congress to tax all incomes.    Please go to our website, jeffersoniangroup.com and sign our petition to abolish the IRS.

Dum Spiro, spero—While I breathe I hope.

Slainte mhath,

Robert G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.