As Dr. Arthur B. Robinson recently wrote, “it still astonishes me that a colossal lie about the Earth’s climate and human activity—a lie easily disproved by experimental facts—could spread so widely over the world and cause so much actual and potential damage.” We can all agree that the climate changes and “97% of Climate Scientists Agree” on this point; hopefully, 100% do?! The problem is the purveyors of this statement expressing the view that 97% agree, also believe: (1) humankind is responsible for climate change; (2) CO2 warming is harmful; (3) government should enforce policies to tax and regulate cheap & abundant energy so it no longer is available for use; and (4) government, through these policies, can stop the Earth’s warming and stabilize the climate.

How can these people believe they can stabilize the climate… how arrogant… how idiotic… we can’t even get the weather forecasts right?! Furthermore, if the United States fell for this Climate Hoax and implemented these Climate Change Policies, our economy would be destroyed; and, the Empire of the United States of America would turn into a third-world country. Meanwhile, China, Russia, India, and Iran would continue to use cheap & abundant energy, becoming world super-powers, while the Earth would not be impacted to any meaningful degree by the collapse of the United States, which decided not to use cheap & abundant energy, only solar and wind power. If the “Green New Deal” people got their way, no more airlines, no more cows, and a limit to one baby per family; the eventual destruction of the experiment in individual freedom started by our Founders in 1776.

Let’s look at a few facts, including why the power-elites throughout the western world peddle this nonsense. It’s all about power, money and control.

Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, warned, “that unless we took ‘drastic measures’ to reduce greenhouse gases, the world would reach a ‘point of no return’ in a mere ten years. He called it a ‘true planetary emergency’.” The only real inconvenient truth is that Global Warming or Climate Change is a $1.5-Trillion industry where the likes of Al Gore, and his ilk, milk the poor and middle-classes throughout the world each and every year. By the way, the ten years have passed (actually 12-years), and, “Armageddon” did not happen.

As Dr. Robinson pointed out, “As coal, oil, and natural gas are used to feed and lift from poverty vast numbers of people across the globe, more CO2 will be released into the atmosphere. This [release of CO2] will help to maintain and improve the health, longevity, prosperity, and productivity of all people.”

According to 31,478 scientists and engineers, who DO NOT rely on government grants, Global Warming is actually good for plants, animals, the Earth and humanity. If the “Global Climate-Change Gang” gets its way, and the Earth starts cooling, “much of humanity would die from starvation alone.” The availability of cheap and abundant energy—to include oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear—is necessary to preserve “much of humanity,” should the Earth start cooling again, which is highly likely. (Dr. Arthur B. Robinson)

What can we do? The first step is to hear from people with similar views as ours; who understand the importance of private property, which is our only guarantee of our continued freedom. Anyone who believes climate change needs to be addressed through government taxation and regulation, lacks understanding and should be voted out of office, whether at the local, state, or federal levels.

Just as important, we need to take back our schools, where our children have been indoctrinated to believe in this nonsense since grammar school; and, reinforced during their college years.  As Dr. Walter E. Williams pointed out, “Many of our nation’s colleges and universities have become cesspools of indoctrination, intolerance, academic dishonesty and the new racism. The assumption seems to be that the purpose of education is to induce correct opinion rather than to search for wisdom and to liberate the mind.”

Intolerance, an ugly by-product of early school indoctrination, has also taken over most of mainstream media. This makes it even more difficult to combat the lies of the climate change industry. It is never too late to be educated, not indoctrinated, by reading the proven information of 31,478 scientists and engineers who are NOT on the government payroll. Contrary to the indoctrinated alarmists, global warming is good for humankind and will not cause Armageddon.

Are we too late? I hope not… counting on the silent majority to do the right thing.  Get out and vote these “Global Climate-Change Gang” members out of every political office; and, stop this indoctrination in our schools.

Dum Spiro, spero—While I breathe, I hope.

Slainte mhath,

Robert G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.