After the attack on September 11, 2001, ALL Americans came together; eighteen years later, we are “divided politically, ideologically, and culturally.” This division is rapidly leading to the destruction of the American Republic; the American ideal that the individual is sovereign, born into freedom with inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness or property.

It is time that we, as Americans, come together to preserve the experiment in freedom, which was started by our Founders in 1776. The United States of America is the first and only country that recognizes that the individual is sovereign; that the individual has certain inalienable rights that pre-exist government and, these rights CANNOT be taken away by a vote of the majority. We are a Republic, NOT a Democracy, period! Unfortunately, the masses do not understand this because of government-controlled compulsory schooling; and, the continued indoctrination by the power-elites that control government, supported by academia, the mainstream media, and our political leaders, both Democrats and Republicans alike.

When Ben Franklin left the Constitutional Convention, he was asked what kind of government did you give us; his response, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” James Madison warned the Colonists, “there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.” Jefferson continued, “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

We failed to heed the warnings of our Founders. Socialists are prevalent in Congress today. All the Democratic Senators running for President (i.e. Warren, Booker, Sanders, Harris), along with many others in both the Senate and House, continue to violate their oath to support the U.S. Constitution. By proposing legislation that carves out special rights for certain groups and confiscates money from some to give to others who have not earned it, violates the inalienable rights specified in the Declaration of Independence and carried into the U.S. Constitution, in particular, the Bill of Rights.

In fact, a declared socialist, like Bernie Sanders, should not even be able to run for President, i.e., he is stating that his aim or goal is to ignore and undermine the U.S. Constitution… sounds like treason to me…

Senator Sanders has a right to free speech and the ability to express his views, e.g., he believes socialism is better for the masses than freedom, but, he does not have the right to ignore or violate the U.S. Constitution and thereby trample on the rights of all other Americans.

If the Democratic Party was truly interested in preserving the experiment in individual freedom and our Constitutional Republic, they would not endorse Bernie Sanders or any other socialist candidate on their ticket. The current Democratic Party is not the same party as back in the day of President John F. Kennedy; the Democratic Party of today wants to destroy the sovereignty of the individual and the experiment in individual freedom, bringing us back to what we had in the “Old World.”

When it comes to human society’s conduct and organization, two predominant belief systems exist. The first belief system, derived from the “Old World” stems from the conviction that government is the grantor and protector of human rights and is responsible for protecting the poor and down-trodden citizens; the citizens are actually serfs. Most of the “Old World” governments were dictatorships. The consequences of this philosophy resulted in compulsion, slavery and poverty throughout the “Old World.” Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, Man’s Struggle Against Authority

This “Old World” belief system was challenged by the ancient Celts and Scots in 1320 with the Declaration of Arbroath, which found its way into the Declaration of Independence in 1776. That belief system, no longer understood by the masses, makes each one of us sovereign individuals with inalienable rights that pre-exists government; and, that cannot be taken away by government or a majority vote.

If you desire to keep the American experiment in individual freedom alive, convince your family, friends, neighbors, and associates to vote for President Donald Trump and the lessor evil, and I’m gagging, vote Republican for the House and Senate races even though way too many Republicans like big government. With President Trump willing to continue to reduce taxes and regulations, I have some hope that they will do the right thing for the American people.

We also need to get rid of government-controlled compulsory education and take back our Universities from the Socialists and Communists, that have purposely re-written history and indoctrinated, not educated, our children.

Also, I encourage you to read my latest book (#7), Take Politics Out of the Supreme Court and Restore Freedom, available from Amazon for as little as $4.99; Prime Members can usually read it for free! Please encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and associates to read this book. The more people who understand the fraud perpetrated against them, the better our chances of restoring individual freedom.

If the Supreme Court did its job, much of the future legislation passed, like the Democrats are proposing, would be struck down as repugnant to the U.S. Constitution.

Dum Spiro Spero—While I breathe, I hope.

Good luck to us all,

Robert G. Beard Jr., C.P.A., C.G.M.A., J.D., LL.M.